Evolutionary Development Goals
One of the remarkable achievements of international cooperation in recent decades has been the establishment of common human goals, starting with the Millennium Goals and followed by the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs). Endorsed by over 180 countries, as well as more than 500 global corporations and NGOs, these goals have facilitated the synchronization of efforts among business, civil society, and governments to build a better future.
However, criticisms of the SDGs arose almost immediately after their inception. While these goals serve as benchmarks, some of them are easily achievable while others are completely neglected. One major flaw is SDGs’ failure to address existential threats to humanity, such as the violation of planetary boundaries or the risk of global war. The goals uphold the established industrial model of society and overlook the necessity of transforming its fundamental principles.

They lack a technological dimension, failing to address desirable and risky directions of technological progress, like advancements in AI and synthetic biology, which have become critically relevant. Moreover, the SDGs lack adaptability, making it difficult to revise and refine them based on new scientific knowledge and technologies. They also do not account for issues related to the inner development of individuals and the transformation of consciousness, which the Inner Development Goals initiative aims to address. It is also significant that the goals are not ambitious enough, if we consider the task of transiting to a truly sustainable society in harmony with the planet. Even then, the existing set of targets is far being met, as only 12% of them were achieved between 2015 and 2023.

This has prompted the discussion of a new approach called Evolutionary Development Goals (EDGs). Rather than replacing the SDGs, the EDGs aim to complement and extend them beyond the 2030 horizon. The EDGs are envisioned to reflect a potential pathway for humanity's transition towards a regenerative, inclusive, and universal well-being-focused way of life and interaction with the planet.
of EDG approach
multiple horizons including long-term perspectives
a clear hierarchy of priorities
adaptability based on evolving understanding of reality
relevance to diverse stakeholders such as governments, businesses, startups, communities, and individuals across the globe
alignment with humanity's evolutionary journey towards a prosperous and harmonious society with the planet
The EDG discussion marks the beginning of a movement towards a systemic dialogue about humanity's long-term goals for the 21st century, which will shape the world for future generations and determine the potential survival of humanity into the 22nd century.
  • Alexander Laszlo
    Systemic sustainability is a process of development (individual, organizational, or societal) involving an adaptive strategy of emergence that ensures the evolutionary maintenance of an increasingly robust and supportive environment. Systemic sustainability goes beyond the triple bottom line and embraces “the possibility that human and other forms of life will flourish on the Earth forever” as beautifully expressed by John Ehrenfeld. Adam Werbach defines a sustainable business as one capable of “thriving in perpetuity.” Systemic sustainability is about developing this capacity so that all human systems can co-exist in partnership with the living systems of our planet